Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. This week I tried cross-spin, as a spinning virgin I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Cross-spin is a spin class but with added elements, so you are not just spinning the whole time.
During the first song (you do a different activity each song) we pedaled and we lifted ourselves off our seat when the instructor would cue us "up, down, up, down" I was dripping sweat within the first song but it felt good.
Next song we grabbed a hand weight and we continued to pedal but instead of holding the handle bars of the bike we held the hand weight in one hand and did various reps targeting biceps, triceps, shoulders and back. We were now using our legs to pedal, our arms to lift the hand weight and our abs to hold us steady and not fall off the bike while we were doing all of this.
Next song we pedaled and got off the bike to do squats and lunges. We would pedal real hard and then get off and do squats and get back on pedal real hard again and then jump off and do lunges.
Each song in the class wasn't your typical 3 minute song, each song was 7-9 minutes but the song selection was very important because each song was uplifting and energizing so the songs kept you going even when you were tired and sweat was dripping down your face and body.
The song "New York" came on by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys and every time they sang "New York" we had to turn the resistance up on our bike. I'm not sure if you have listened to that song in awhile but they say "New York" like a thousand times. Ok maybe not that many but at the end of the song my legs were burning and it was a slower pedal due to all the resistance.
The most intense part of this workout was when the song "Firework" by Katy Perry came on and we were told to race during the chorus. To race you can stay seated or lift up your seat and them just pedal as fast as possible. I'm always choosing the hardest modification so I chose to lift my seat up and pedal like crazy without sitting back down till the chorus was over. I actually love that song so I let it energize me and I pedaled faster and faster.
At the end of this class it was about an hour long I felt energized, refreshed and ready for the day. It was a great way to start the day and I knew I would be sore but it was worth it. I thought a spin class only worked your lower body but in this cross-spin class I worked everything legs, arms, abs and glutes. Overall I would recommend this class to a friend that wanted a full body workout and wasn't afraid of the stationary bike and a lot of sweat. The teacher was really great of this class so I think that made it better too. I had tremendous energy after this class and felt great for the rest of the day. Don't be afraid to try new things you might end up liking them, until next week stay fit.

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