Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Staying Healthy in Sin City

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend and I headed to Las Vegas, NV to celebrate the end of our work season in Palm Spings, CA. Memorial Day is our last big weekend in the Coachella Valley and then the snowbirds head home and it starts to get triple digits hot everyday. Palm Springs and the whole Valley slow down tremendously. My favorite DJ's were playing in Vegas and I decided to go and see them. I'm the Try-Athlete I live, breathe, eat and sleep fitness so I wasn't gonna let Vegas tempt me. How do you stay healthy in the city that is known for temptation? Well here's how I did it.
Diet/Eating Healthy: We drove from Palm Springs and it's about a 4 hour drive so it's always important on road trips to bring health snacks with you. We brought almonds, bananas, cliff bars and lots of water. If you forget or don't have time to get snacks gas stations always have nuts and a couple pieces of fruit. When in Vegas the restaurants offer every type of cuisine you would ever want American Bistro, Japanese, Mexican, Italian and everything else you can think of. Even though I was on vacation I made sensible choices when eating in Vegas. For breakfast I had eggs and oatmeal, yes the Belgian waffle looked good but I refrained from ordering it. We also were going to be in our bathing suits all day so I wasn't about to look bloated. For lunch we went to a burger place and I ordered a turkey burger and instead of getting fries I got ordered a side salad. For dinner we went to a buffet and you can even find healthy options at buffets. They had crab legs, roasted veggies, sweet potatoes, sushi and more. I have to admit I was tempted by the desert part of the buffet but not enough to give in.
Drinking/Stay Hydrated: Since most of the activites in Vegas are centered around drinking I understand having a couple of adult beverages. I usually order a vodka soda with a lime which is very low in calories and doesn't have any added sugar or sweeteners. Try to find a low-calorie drink that you enjoy if you are doing to drink. Also drinking a glass of water between drinks will keep you hydrated and also keep you from ordering too many cocktails.
Dance/Workout: Most of the hotels in Vegas have workout rooms and even if you fit in a 20-30 minute workout that will keep you feeling good. If you just don't have time to fit in a short workout, dance at the club/pool/bar. Almost everywhere in Vegas has a dance floor and people are always dancing. I danced at the nightclub, at the pool and in the pool. I was a dancing machine this past weekend and we were always dancing or walking so I felt very active. Just try to stay active whatever your doing in Vegas.
Next time you're on vacation in Las Vegas or anywhere try to keep in mind to stay healthy and you will feel better if you stay true to yourself on vacation. So until next time stay fit!

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