Tuesday, May 21, 2013

6 mile Bike Ride

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. This week was a little different for me because I kind of pulled a muscle in my lower abs. I couldn't do much core work because I was in pain so it kind of limited my workouts. I couldn't do Insanity or Asylum because you use your core a lot in those and I didn't want to hurt the muscle further.
I just purchased a bike last week, a one- speed beach cruiser. So why not take that out for a spin. Being the Try-Athlete I always want to challenge myself so I thought why not add ankle weights to my legs for my bike ride.
After I had strapped on each 2 lbs ankle weight on to each leg I opened my Charity Miles app and chose "bike" and then chose the charity I wanted to bike for Vision Spring a charity that helps people see. Charity Miles if your not familiar with it is an app that every time you go for a walk, run or bike ride donates money to a charity of your choice. I use it every time I run, walk or bike; not only am I bettering myself but I'm also helping others when I exercise.
I was now ready for my bike ride I set out on my usual route. I should mention the weather in Palm Springs, CA had been hitting triple digits daily but I didn't let that stop me, my ride started around 5pm so it had cooled off a bit I believe it was in the low 90s.
Biking with a one speed beach cruiser is a lot easier than a mountain bike so there I was listening to my music with my headphones on and pedaling with my ankle weights on. I tried to pedal as fast as possible and not coast at all. After biking for about a half hour I was on a very bump run-down street and that's when it started to get hard to pedal because I had so much friction and resistance from the road. It was a street paved in tar that was run-down so it had a lot of little bumps, my ankle weights started to feel heavier at this point.
So I started to head back to my house but then looked at my phone and saw that I had a little more than half a mile left and I would have biked 6 miles. Well I couldn't go back now I had to hit 6 miles so I continued on. My butt kind started bothering me and I had to keep readjusting and the next day that area was soar. I pedaled and pedaled and I finally hit 6 miles on my Charity Miles app. Yes I had done it, my legs were a little soar but overall I felt good, I wasn't dripping with sweat which I think is do to the fact that my bike is a one-speed and not a mountain bike. I would recommend this workout to some one who wanted a relaxing lower body workout, you don't really have to think a lot during this workout but your still working and you will feel it the next day. I'm pretty excited about my next ride, until next time stay fit!

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