Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Candle Light Hot Power Yoga

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diet trends so you don’t have to. This week I attended a yoga class at one of the local yoga studios called Power Yoga. I had been to this studio before but I had never tried a hot power yoga class or a class by candle light. In this hot power yoga class the room was 105 degrees so as soon as I went into the class I was sweating, not a lot but I could tell I was hot.

The candle light kind of brings a calming effect and a sense of serenity. We started by centering ourselves in mountain pose, standing straight up with your hands above you, fingers and hands touching. We leaned to the left and then to the right stretching our obliques, we then went into a sun salutation combo. Arms stretch out and you fold in half, flat back, then down into downward facing dog. We weren't moving that fast but a good 15-20 seconds in each pose and then the sweat started pouring. I didn’t even know I had that much water in me, beads of sweat started rolling off my forehead down my cheek. I also got a glance at my calves and shins and they were glistening because they were covered in sweat. I do the insanity workout and I sweat but this was another level of sweat, doing anything in 105 degrees will make you sweat.

Even though I was sweating I felt strong and powerful in this class connecting my mind with my body. The teacher’s voice was soothing and each time she had us transition into another move it was calming and energizing. We did warrior 1 and 2 and I felt the most confident in those poses and worked on my breath.

Next we did some core work to upbeat music, this class had a little bit of everything. I enjoyed the core series because I knew I was working hard during this segment it was a power series so it was fast pasted and I was dripping sweat and had to towel off many times during and after.

At the end of class we did corpse pose and I relaxed in this pose and dedicated my practice to a friend’s mom who is very sick and in the hospital. I sent positive energy her way and really concentrated on clearing my mind.

After class I felt invigorated and fresh, my clothes were wet from the sweat but I felt a real sense of accomplishment and was really happy I went to the class. I found out a few days later my friend’s mom had a complete turn around and was feeling much better. Overall I would recommend hot power yoga by candle light to someone that wants to connect their mind and body and get a great workout. I'm already planning on going next week, so until next time stay fit!

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