Wednesday, April 24, 2013

One Week Without Sugar

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. One week without sugar could you do it? Sugar is in almost everything, their is natural sugar like the sugar that is in fruit and then their is refined cane sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, evaporated cane juice the list goes on and on. So for one week I cut sugar out completely which meant no alternative sweeteners either no honey or agave even though I believe those aren't bad for you I wanted to see what it was like not having that added sweetness. Natural sugars were allowed because fruit is healthy and delicious and nature's sugar.
Let me start out by telling you that I have a major sweet tooth and I love my desserts. I was interested when I read up about having a sweet tooth to find out it doesn't really exist it's just your taste buds and food cravings rearing its ugly head. In nutrition class I found out that if you had desserts after every meal as a kid you would always crave that because you were used to it but you can always retrain yourself too. I don't indulge in donuts, cakes and really unhealthy desserts but I enjoy my frozen yogurt and dark chocolate and always want dessert after dinner. I used to put sugar in my coffee but broke that habit last year after having a cavity filled at the dentist.
I started my no sugar week with plain oatmeal for breakfast with no sugar added, I sometimes add nuts, fresh fruit, unsweetened almond milk or coconut oil but no sugar. It was pretty easy to stay away from sugar for breakfast because I usually did already. Lunch I usually ate salads but made sure the dressing didn't have sugar in it. I work in a restaurant that makes all dressing from scratch so was able to ask which dressing did or did not have sugar in them. I also had rice cakes with almond butter for lunch and bananas, other fruits or nuts for snacks during the day.
Dinner was easy not to incorporate sugar because I had fish and ground turkey with sautéed vegetables so I didn't need sugar. The challenge came at the end of dinner when I would usually reach for the chocolate or want some ice cream or frozen yogurt. The first night was the hardest night I had a cranberry natural tea instead of dessert but was still craving sugar. The next day I did feel like I had more energy and it was getting easier not to think about sweets and lack of sugar. On my third day of no sugar one of my co-workers brought a box of mini chocolate donuts to work and although I normally don't crave donuts they looked good because I hadn't had any sugar for a few days. I didn't have one but it was tempting. I'm a woman of my word and when I start something I finish it.
I noticed that I wasn't able to have a lot of processed food because when reading the labels almost everything had sugar added to it. I usually eat healthy but noticed that I was eating even healthier this week. I feel really good and have a lot of energy so I decided to continue and do a month of no sugar.
Overall I would recommend trying no sugar for a week sort of to detox yourself from sugar because it is a highly addictive food. And if you can get over that addiction you will feel and look good. Until next week stay fit!

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