Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. This past week was all about juicing. Juicing is the latest fitness trend to hit Hollywood by storm. Celebrities like supermodel Heidi Klum juice before red carpet events to slim down and fit into that perfect dress.
A few reasons why I started juicing was juicing helps you absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. Juicing allows you to consume an optimal amount of vegetables in an efficient manner. And you can add a wider variety of vegetables in your diet. I am always eager to try new and exciting diets so I replaced one meal a day with fresh juice.
I watched a film recently called "Fat, sick and nearly dead" where a man who was fat, sick and nearly dead changed his life by juicing for 30 days. This film was extremely inspirational and one of the reasons I decided I would juice.
I own my own juicer and juice places have popped up all over the place in the past year. On my way to Los Angeles, on Thursdays I always stop at this place called Juice it Up and I always get a fresh juice. I usually get the Immunizer- spinach, apples, celery and lemon. I like getting green juices because I get my fruits and vegetables from them.
The first couple days of this juice cleanse I felt a little light headed when I supplemented the juice for a regular meal. I felt like I needed something more but I stuck with it. Everyday got better and by the end of the week I was craving juice and started juicing for lunch and dinner.
Last year my boyfriend and I got really into juicing and we started juicing every night almost. So I guess you can say I already liked juicing and getting my nutrients that way. They only downfall to juicing is cleaning you juicer. You basically have to drink your juice while you clean your machine because you get the most nutrients from your juice within 15 minutes of juicing. And if you leave your juicer after you juice and don't clean it your juicer gets really gross.
I can believe how fast this week went by I think I'm going to continue juicing because now I'm so into it and its so good for you. I would recommend to a friend juicing once a day to get the vital nutrients you body needs. The first days are always the hardest days but if you get through those you will feel refreshed and invigorated. Until next time stay fit!

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