Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Goodbye's been eye opening

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. This week I started a cleanse, I decided since it's the new year why not start fresh and get rid of all the bad toxins in my body. I bought a "Complete Body Cleanse" at Trader Joe's that contained three capsules, fiber, liver and digestive.
While on this cleanse you are supposed to limit your consumption of processed foods, carbohydrates, beef, pork, dairy, wheat and soy products. Since I am a vegan I don't eat most of those foods anyway, but under that list was another that stated best to avoid caffeine, alcohol, sugar, potatoes, saturated fats, trans fats and artificial sweeteners. The word that stuck out the most to me was "caffeine," I really enjoy my cup of coffee in the morning. Even though I wake up most days with lots of energy I still enjoy drinking my coffee as kind of a morning ritual. 

New year and new me was starting to be a little harder than I thought. But since I always finish what I start I decided to cut out coffee and caffeine during this two week total body cleanse. This was my first week with no coffee in my system and although it was tough at times I was able to get through it.
Week 1:
As that famous song goes the first days are the hardest days, and isn't that the truth when you are trying to illiminate something from your diet. I always seem to find the first two to three days the most challenging when cutting out sugar,  carbs, etc. as well. 

The first day was weird it was like my body didn't register it didn't have coffee in it. I don't have coffee every morning so my body probably thought it was one of those days. When Day 2 arrived, my boyfriend and I went out to breakfast and we usually both have a couple cups of coffee but I obstained. His smelled amazing and I even asked him if I could smell his cup up close and personal, he let me. The aroma of coffee is almost better than coffee itself. I was low energy that day and I think it was because it had finally kicked in, no coffee and no caffeine. Later that night when I was going to bed, I couldn't get to sleep. I thought it was odd that I hadn't had caffeine and yet I could fall asleep. I think when you detox, toxins that have been in you for so long come out it many ways. I think the fact I couldn't get to sleep was caffeine coming out of my body. 
The third and fourth days were easier but I still thought about coffee and I still craved it. On the fifth and sixth day I was ok I didn't think much about coffee. Since I'm doing this two week cleanse I feel like I've stopped eating a lot of different foods and I miss coffee and sweets the most. I don't eat pasties but for some reason this last week I've been craving breakfast pastries like scones and crossiants. I just think about dipping those pastries in a heaping cup of coffee! But I won't, I have another week to go on this cleanse so I won't be having coffee for another week. Overall, I think this cleanse will be worth it, I am starting to feel healthier and clean inside and out. I recommend doing a cleanse a couple times a year just to refresh yourself. So until next time stay strong and stay fit!

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