Since I am also still doing Les Mills Combat I decided I could incorporate this challenge into my life. It is only 12 minutes so it doesn't take a huge time commitment but it's tough and I can feel it changing my body. I start with the Hiit Challenge workout and then finish with the Les Mills Combat workout. I sweat way more during the second workout because I worked so hard during the 12 minute Hiit workout. My metabolism is on overdrive and I can already see changes in my body and it's only been 9 days.
The first couple days weren't so hard I could do both workouts and enjoyed both of them. As the days have progressed the Challenge workouts have gotten harder and harder. Yesterday's workout (Day 8) had me out of breath and on the floor at the end of it. With moves like 180 degree ninja tuck leaps and side push-ups my boyfriend had to cheer me on during the workout so I had the motivation and strength to finish.
On Day 6 I was challenged by jumping rope during the rest periods but enjoyed the challenge. I only had one complaint the instructor stopped a few times during the workout because she was tired and I'm not used to that. I like watching someone who never gives up because it motivates me to not give up. When she came back on day 8 she had read my mind because she kicked it up a notch and she didn't stop.
Everyday this workout is bringing an intense full body workout and I'm really enjoying it. I am already seeing changes in my body, my abs are more defined and legs and arms are looking more toned as well. I have been sore almost everyday but I think that means my body is changing. I definitely recommend this workout, it's tough but short and totally worth it. So until next time stay strong and stay fit!
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