Monday, August 12, 2013

Two A-Days

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. Do you remember when you where a kid and you attended all day sports camp? Well I do I went to soccer camp every year. I also had a week of conditioning before school started for soccer. That week was brutal running suicides as they call them and seeing how fast you could run a mile. I run a mile a lot faster now than I did back then.
I was thinking about those camps this past week and I thought about how football players and other athletes workout 2 times a day. They call them 2 a days and it gives them a break to eat or refuel and then workout again. I used to run around all day at those soccer camps so I decided to workout twice a day this week. Here's how it went...
The first day I started with a T25 workout since I'm still doing that workout I incorporated it into my 2 a day schedule. I did the T25 video "Cardio" and then I did a video from the BeachBody series Asylum called "Strength." This was a great way to start out my two a day week. Talk about working hard first I did Cardio so I got my sweat on and then I did Strength 50 minutes of weights working back, arms, chest and abs. I felt like a muscle machine after doing both of these workouts. For the rest of the week I did similar workouts trying to combine different muscle groups.

The Good:
I was able to do it. I'm in good enough shape that I was able to do 2 workouts and not pass out or throw up. I was working multiple muscle groups daily. I could tell I was getting stronger because I didn't need to take breaks I powered through my workouts. I definitely got my sweat on, when I would first start to sweat it would be the end of my first workout and so when I started my second workout I would be dripping with sweat the whole time.

The Bad:
Two a days take more of your time. Instead of just working out 30 minutes to an hour I now found that I was working out up to 2 hours. While that isn't really that long of a time if your busy with work, family or other obligations 2 hours is a long time.
I also noticed the days I didn't eat enough. I felt sluggish and even nauseous at times. It is so important to fuel your body for a workout especially 2 workouts. By the end if the week I would make sure to fuel up before each and every workout.

The Unexpected:
I was a little surprised at what I was capable of doing. I totally believe in myself don't get me wrong but I was doing 2 very challenging workouts and I was able to complete them. I guess I'm in better shape than I thought which is pretty exciting. Since I need to built up my endurance because eventually it's one of my dreams to run a marathon I feel these 2 a days are helping with my endurance and my confidence.

I would recommend starting 2 a days to someone that is already in great shape and is training for a fitness event. I think it is always important to know your limits and know when to stop, but also know when to push yourself because that is the only way you will improve. So until next time stay strong and stay fit!

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