Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Juicing Part II

Welcome to Try-Athlete, the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. This week was dedicated to juicing. One of the companies I work for just opened a juice bar. I had the pleasure of helping out for the week and by doing so I got free juice for breakfast and lunch. 
I have done a juice cleanse before but that was when I wasn't eating as clean so I was interested to see how it would effect me since I've been eating clean.
Juicing is such an amazing way to get the nutrients you need and get them fast. Since juice absorbs into your system quickly you feel the benefits of the juice and you feel energized. 
The first day I started I got to try a taste of all the juices on the menu. Nine recipes total, they each were interesting and tantalizing combinations. My taste buds were one the ride of a lifetime with every sip of apple, kale, mint and orange, lemon, ginger and cayenne pepper. The combinations or the juices complimented each other so well and was making juicing fresh and new for me. 
The next couple days I supplemented breakfast and lunch with juice. I still worked out and made myself a healthy vegan dinner of mostly grilled veggies. I realized the 3rd night that all I had eaten for three days was fruits and veggies. I felt good, I felt refreshed and energized and decided to keep it up. 

The Good:
I felt amazing, just juicing and only eating fruits and vegetables really gives you the nutrients you need. It's also nice having someone else juice for you, I try to drink my juice within 15 minutes of it being made. When I make my own juice I am usually cleaning my juicer while drinking my juice instead of just enjoying my juice. 

The Bad: 
When you eventually eat something that isn't juice or fruits and vegetables your stomach tells you so. I had organic blue corn tortillas chips on my last night and my stomach rejected them. I had a horrible stomach ache which I never got when drinking juice.

The Unexpected:
I've juiced before but it's been awhile since I drank a lot of juice and I was very surprised about how much energy I had just drinking juice. I also craved carbs this week which was weird because I don't consume much carbs. I didn't have any but I noticed at lunch time I was craving bread.

I would recommend juicing to anyone and everyone. It is a great way to get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that we need on a daily basis. For someone just starting on the path to health I would recommend supplementing one meal for juice. It might take a few days to get used to but eventually you will feel the benefits. Until next time stay strong and stay fit! Connect with me @genevievemelzer. 

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