Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Are you a Vegetarian?

Welcome to Try-Athlete, the blog where I try the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. This week I struggled with my Vegetarianism. I don't like labels I eat healthy but I don't necessarily put myself into any categories even though I pretty much am vegan and vegetarian and eat mostly raw as well. I'm not sure why I don't really tell people I am these things.
I have watched so many food documentaries lately that it seems cruel and horrible to eat animals that lived an inhumane life just to die for me to eat. I haven't eaten any meat, poultry or fish in over a month and I haven't missed it. It's interesting when you cut something out of your diet for a few weeks and you end up never looking back.
I just want to be socially conscious about what I'm putting in my body and how it was raised and treated. This week was a struggle because we went to a seafood restaurant right by the ocean and I love seafood. As soon as we sat down I saw this lobster salad that looked amazing and I don't even like lobster. But something else caught my eye when scanning the menu the Crab & Shrimp Louis, I used to love crab and shrimp before I started on this journey.
I ordered the Louis with no egg and the dressing on the side but I still ordered it with the crab and shrimp. When it arrived it looked healthy and delicious but a part of me felt guilty because or the crab and shrimp. I ate it plain without the dressing and each one of the components was so flavorful the dressing wasn't needed. I ate the whole thing and once I was done the remorse set in. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had done something wrong I didn't know where they got their seafood from or if it was caught wild and not harmful to other sea life. I knew if my some of my girl-friends were with me they would look down on me.
I feel like we all make mistakes and struggle sometimes with change and new ideas. I got myself out of my funk by realizing I'm not perfect and no one really is even though we all try to come off like we have all the answers we don't. Sometimes we mess up or fuck up or order the wrong thing but it's our future choices that can help us feel better about ourselves. Next time I go to a seafood restaurant I most likely won't order fish because I will remember how I felt the previous time. Or next time I won't even put myself in that situation I will just pick a different restaurant something vegan or vegetarian or raw.
As long as you feel good about your decisions and find out if the meat/poultry/fish you are consuming was humanly raised, grass fed, wild and all the other things we need to ask then enjoy. I choose to cut all animal protein out of my diet because I've seen and heard too much to eat those things but even I had a slip up and I think it's normal to sometimes fall and get back up, dust yourself off and continue on your healthy path. This is a journey that has just started for some of us and I believe hiccups will happen but we can overcome them and it will just make us stronger! It is a marathon not a sprint so until next time stay strong and stay fit!

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