Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Daily Hiit

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. This week I tried a website called The Daily Hiit. The Daily Hiit is a website that has different workout videos uploaded daily. Hiit stands for high intensity interval training, each video is 2-5 minutes but you repeat it many times to get maximum results.
I heard about this website from a friend who used to do it when it was called Bodyrock.tv but it has now transitioned into The Daily Hiit. I was interested to see if I got the same results from a 12-15 minute workout than from a 45 minute Insanity workout. The first Daily Hiit I did was a HiitLite workout but let me tell you this workout was anything but lite. We did triangle push-ups, tricep dips with weights, tricep kick-backs with weights, fly bridge, and squat curl with weights. We did each exercise for 30 seconds with a 10 second break between each move. The first round was good I felt strong and in control of my body, but I was suppose to repeat the workout 5 times the second and third rounds were a bit harder the weight started to feel real heavy. The fourth and fifth rounds were a lot harder I was sweating like crazy but I held on and finished the last round. I was surprised I could already tell that my muscles were going to be sore and it was only a 15 minute workout.
The next day I returned for HiitCore this workout was five moves each for 50 seconds with a 10 second rest between each move. This core workout was intense I was sweating on the first round the moves included step out half burpee, in and out abs with ski abs, chuck and tuck, sit-ups with weight and push-ups. This workout was considerably harder than the HiitLite workout and I had to repeat it five times. In and out abs are my krptonite and that was the part of the workout I struggled with. I could not believe how much I was sweating at the end of the five rounds! I was exhausted and my abs and thighs were killing me, let me restate that every muscle I had used in this workout which was almost every muscle was killing me. I had worked hard and only worked out for 25 minutes not the hour I was used to. I was literally dripping in sweat.
The trainer who is doing the exercises with you is British and I lover her accent their is something about a British accent that just works for me. I listen to her more attentively than I would if she was American. Her body is also rocking, every muscle is lean and toned and I feel like she is inspirational to watch because I can connect with her but she also inspires me to push harder so I can look even better too. It's nice to follow her in these workouts because she does all the moves she isn't just telling you how to do it and watching others do it, she is doing it with you. The moves she comes up with are tough and work the appropriate muscles to guarantee a great workout in a short amount of time.
The rest of the week I was challenged everyday by each Hiit workout. I was sore and also excited to go back to the site each day for a new workout. Overall I would say I'm really enjoying the workouts on The Daily Hiit, they are challenging and target all the muscles I want to work. I like how they switch it up each day and how each day focuses on something different i.e. core, body, lean, reps and many more. I would definitely recommend this website as a great way to get or stay in shape, if you are just starting out you can do the HiitLite videos and move up from there. I'm excited to continue with this workout and see the long term effects so until next time stay fit!

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