Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Return Of Pilates

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. This week I went back to the Pilates studio I haven't been to in a year. I'm not sure why I didn't renew my monthly membership last year but I woke up early Thursday morning with a Pilates itch that I needed to scratch. I went to the studio's website and saw that their was availability in the 8am class. So I threw on my sports bra and workout shorts and was out the door.

I arrived at the studio and was pleasantly surprised to see my favorite Instructor. He would be instructing me in the Scuplt class I signed up for, yes this was turning into a good day and a great decision. The studio that I go to has Pilates equipment such as the Proformer and the Wunda Chair; I thought I would be a little rusty but picked it up fast just like riding a bike. The class was all about doing each movement slowly so you could really feel it and "sculpt" your muscles hence the name of the class being Sculpt. Being in this class reminded me of why I love Pilates it stretches and lengthens your muscle so you have long lean muscles like a dancer. We did moves that worked my core, gluts, arms and thighs we basically worked everything.
The energy in the class was positive and energizing and was such a great way to start my day. The instructor made sure to show us each movement so we knew we were doing it correctly and also told us when to breathe in and out. A big part of Pilates is about breathing technique and making sure you contract your abs when your breathing. Throughout the class I was focusing on my abs and my breathe. After class my abs were sore I could tell I worked them hard and in a different way than my usual Insanity assault on them.
I felt great the rest of the day and I was convinced it was the Pilates class so I signed up for a 1 month membership. I returned the next day for the Intermediate Proformer class even though I hadn't been in class for a year till yesterday, I am in great shape and I had done the intermediate classes before so I thought I would be fine. It was a little bit harder then the Sculpt class but still in my skill level. Since I'm the Try-Athlete, you know I'm always looking for a challenge so I tried to really push it in this class. When we had the option to have heavier residence I would do it. I did notice that my abs were killing me at the end of class because they were already sore from the previous class. I decided to take the next day off to give my abs a much needed rest.
The following day I tried another class, this time with the instructor that I remembered to be the hard ass, you know the instructor who nitpicks your every move, yeah it was that guy. I gave myself a pep talk before heading into that class. The class was another Intermediate Proformer class and I thought he was going kill me but he ended up being really nice and pretty mellow. He didn't correct me every five minutes which was nice because that always makes me feel so self-conscious and then I don't focus on the exercise I focus on my ego. I was delighted by his class and was no longer scared to attend any of his classes.

The next day I tried a new instructor I had never taken before the class was 50/50 Proformer and Chair. We would do half our workout on Proformer and the other half on Wunda Chair. I was sore from the class the day before but I definitely was not prepared for how hard this class was. First she killed our legs on the chair my legs were shaking at the end of the segment because they were so tired. Next we moved on to the Proformer and worked shoulders, chest and arms.

Can I just say my shoulders were about to fall off they worked so hard. I could barely finish the arm segment because it was so hard but I never quit even when sometimes I should to not risk injury but I'm mentally tough so I finish. This was the first class that I went to where I was excited when I knew we were almost done because I needed a break. After class my arms and legs felt like jelly but I was glad I went cause I'm always chasing the challenge of a hard workout. I plan on continuing Pilates for the rest of the month.
Overall I would highly recommend Pilates to people of any fitness level. In every class I've been to there has been women in their 60's and people of all different ages. Pilates never gets old because their is always new and different movements and equipment to try. Depending on the instructor and the class it can be beginning to advanced just make sure to stay in your skill level until you feel comfortable moving on. So until next time stay fit!

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