Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer Slump

Welcome to Try-Athlete, the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. We are in the heat of summer and this last week I went on vacation. I got back Friday and I have found it very hard to find the motivation to workout. Even as the "Try-Athlete" I love to try new fitness trends but this week I just didn't have any motivation.
It's summer so it's extremely important to look good in your swimsuit. Since I just got back from vacation and don't have anything planned yet I had no motivation. I was also busy after work each day so I used that as an excuse but I ALWAYS make time to workout so I knew something was up. It's been over a 112 degrees everyday here in Palm Springs, CA where I live and I used the heat as an excuse as well. Neither of those things is a valid excuse because you can always make time to workout and you can always go to a fitness class or gym that will be in air-conditioning.
I decided to reach out on Twitter and asked my followers "how do you get out of a workout slump?" I received so many helpful comments and advice. One person told me to have make a new goal for myself. I thought this was great advice because whenever I have a goal or trip planned I workout extra hard because of it. I really want to run a marathon this year and their is one in Vegas in November so I'm seriously thinking about training for it. Also their is a new BeachBody workout with my favorite trainer Shaun T so I could buy that too. I'm also researching a trip to Hawaii in August so maybe that will be motivation as well.
Another person said they stand in front of the mirror for 10 minutes before getting in the shower everyday. Looking at yourself will motivate you to workout to get the body you had before or the body you have always wanted. Admire what you like and see what you want to tweak.
Someone else said take a break and refocus. This is also great advice because giving yourself a couple days off to rest will refocus your mind and then you can get back into it.
After reading all these helpful comments I was ready to get back in the game. I had taken a week off due to my vacation and lack of motivation. But instead of getting down on myself which would just make me feel worse about myself, I decided to make good choices starting today. I decided to go for a run even though it was very hot outside and I had a lot of things on my to-do list for today.
I ran for a little over 2 miles and my confidence and motivation is slowly coming back. I'm still in shape and will continue to build on my fitness level and accomplish my goals and dreams. So when you are in a fitness slump and can't find your motivation don't get down on yourself it happens to everyone. Happy to say I'm back in the saddle so until next time stay fit.

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