Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Asylum, Insanity Hybrid

Welcome to Try-Athlete, the blog where I try all the latest fintess and diet trends so you don't have to. Last week I started a new workout routine. I have done the Insanity workouts for the past 3 years and Asylum workouts for 10 months but I have never done them together. 
Each workout program comes with a calendar which tells you what day to do what workout. On the Asylum calendar it has a Asylum/Insanity Hybrid and a P90X/ Asylum Hybrid as well. I have never attempted the Asylum/Insanity Hybrid before and I thought why not. I'm ready for the challenge and since I just finished the entire Asylum program for the second time I thought I'm in good enough shape to try it.

The first day was Strength from Asylum paired with Pure Cardio from Insanity. Basically weight training and cardio paired together lasting for about an hour and a half. I powered through it pretty well, I was excited I was doing so well. After I finished Strength I immediately started Pure Cardio and I could tell I was tired from the other workout but I told myself I would finish it so that's what I did. The next day my shoulders and inner thighs were really sore. 
I have to admit the next day the weather was so ideal for a run I couldn't resist deviating from the workout calendar and going for a run. We aren't talking about a easy run around the block I pushed myself on this run. I usual run 3 miles but instead I pushed myself to run 4. I was really tired at around 2.6 miles but I told myself I could do it and I think that is the only reason I finished cause I was running on empty.
The next day I went back to the calendar and the next workout was Max Interval Plyo which is an hour of cardio circuit training. My knees were sore from my run the day before so it was tough at first but when I loosened up I felt better. This workout is one of the harder ones but I tried to pace myself. The rest of the week was pretty much like this I was sore every morning but I knew that was because I was working my muscles harder than they were used to.

The Good:
I knew I was getting in even better shape because I was doing double workouts on some days. I've done 2 a days in the past but it was nice having a set schedule so I always knew what I had to do. 

The Bad: 
I was literally sore this whole week! 

The Unexpected:
I was actually surprised by how well I did this first week. I know I am strong and fit but I really hung in there. I was strong mentally and that's really what I was excited about. 

I would only recommend this workout to people who are in very good shape. People who like to push themselves and do hard works like Cross-fit on a regular basis. This workout isn't difficult to learn but you need stamina and endurance to get through all the workouts. So until next week stay strong and stay fit!

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