Friday, October 18, 2013

No Sugar, Part 2

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diets trends so you don't have to. I decided to give up sugar for the second time this year. This time for 5 weeks.

Why give up sugar?
Well I workout daily and eat extremely heathly but I'm still lacking the six-pack I want. Last time I gave up sugar I could see a difference, I'm a naturally skinny person but with sugar cutout of my diet I was even leaner. 
My birthday is coming up on Halloween so I decided to give up sugar until my birthday. You don't relalize that sugar is in everything until you aren't eating it. The first couple of days were the hardest and the first night I was craving anything with sugar in it. You also don't realize till your off sugar is how addictive sugar is, it's kind of like a vicious cycle...have a little sugar than have more sugar. I have also been craving pumpkin everything because it's October. I have seen pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies. Everything I have seen featuring pumpkin flavor has sugar in it! I did get some pumpkin tea, which obviously doesn't have sugar in it but it didn't really fulfill my pumpkin sugar craving.

One of my friends asked me the other night if giving up sugar really did anything? If I could see a difference in my body? I told her yes, I can see that my body is leaner without it. I'm the Try-Athlete so I'm always trying new diets and cutting out foods that are "bad" for me. And since I've cutout sugar I have seen results unlike any other diet change. I have about two weeks left till my birthday but I'm looking so good I'm not sure if I want to stop. I encourage you to give up sugar for a week or a month and see what results you get. Until next time stay fit and stay strong.

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