Thursday, October 24, 2013

Medicine Cabinet Makeover

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. Did you know you can fix anything that is wrong with you with plant-based medicines?
Last night I attended a "Medicine Makeover" party hosted by this new company called Saffron & Sage. The event was all about plant-based essential oils and how they can replace everything you have in your medicine cabinet currently. 

I am a big believer that diet and exercise can cure any problem you may have. I met a woman last night who had two tumors and by eating raw/vegan and using essential oils her tumors went away. She was very inspiring to listen to and it was amazing meeting someone in person who has used plants to cure themselves. 
I learned a great deal and I want to share what I learned with you. I already knew oregano oil was very good for our bodies but I wasn't sure why. I learned that oregano oil keeps you healthy, if you are feeling under the weather or are sick or feeling low energy taking a few drops of oregano oil can make you feel better. Last week I was feeling low energy and my sister gave me 5 drops of oregano oil in about a half a cup of water and after drinking it I felt better. I no longer felt low energy, I recommend oregano oil whenever you feel like your getting sick. 
Something else I learned was lemon oil detoxes the body and regulates blood pressure. I intend on telling my dad about that one since he is on high blood pressure medication. To demonstrate that lemon is a detoxifier and gets rid of toxins the host of the gathering put three drops of the lemon essential oil on a styrofoam cup and within 10 minutes it had eaten through the cup. 
Another thing I learned was wild orange oil is a mood elevator and gets rid of depression. Putting one drop in your palms and rubbing your hands together and smelling them is all you need to do to lift your mood. You can also put a few drops in a diffuser and use it that way as well. 

Onguard is an essential oil blend that keeps you healthy. It is made up of orange, clove, eucalyptus and sage and is an anti-viral oil. Onguard is known as "the theives blend," because back during the time of the plague there was a group of theives that would rob the dead. They never got sick and didn't catch the plague, eventually when they were found they confessed they had rubbed themselves with the blend of "onguard" and that's why they didn't get sick.
I was fascinated by what I learned at this event. You can basically replace everything in your medicine cabinet with plant-based essential oils! This medicine has been around for thousands of years and I'm not sure why we ever got away from it. 
A couple other things:
Lavender oil is good as a sleep aid, ditch the Tylenol PM and try lavender oil instead. 
Peppermint oil helps with an upset stomach or digestion problems. Fennel, carraway seed and peppermint is a blend that helps with acid reflux so you can throw away your Tums. 

Plants and herbs are truly amazing things that come from the earth and I urge you to try one of these oils instead of the over the counter pill and see how you feel. Until next time stay fit and stay strong. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

No Sugar, Part 2

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diets trends so you don't have to. I decided to give up sugar for the second time this year. This time for 5 weeks.

Why give up sugar?
Well I workout daily and eat extremely heathly but I'm still lacking the six-pack I want. Last time I gave up sugar I could see a difference, I'm a naturally skinny person but with sugar cutout of my diet I was even leaner. 
My birthday is coming up on Halloween so I decided to give up sugar until my birthday. You don't relalize that sugar is in everything until you aren't eating it. The first couple of days were the hardest and the first night I was craving anything with sugar in it. You also don't realize till your off sugar is how addictive sugar is, it's kind of like a vicious cycle...have a little sugar than have more sugar. I have also been craving pumpkin everything because it's October. I have seen pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies. Everything I have seen featuring pumpkin flavor has sugar in it! I did get some pumpkin tea, which obviously doesn't have sugar in it but it didn't really fulfill my pumpkin sugar craving.

One of my friends asked me the other night if giving up sugar really did anything? If I could see a difference in my body? I told her yes, I can see that my body is leaner without it. I'm the Try-Athlete so I'm always trying new diets and cutting out foods that are "bad" for me. And since I've cutout sugar I have seen results unlike any other diet change. I have about two weeks left till my birthday but I'm looking so good I'm not sure if I want to stop. I encourage you to give up sugar for a week or a month and see what results you get. Until next time stay fit and stay strong.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try all the latest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. This week I tried slacklining, have you ever seen it or heard of it? 
Slacklining is kind of like tightrope walking between two trees. The slack line looks like a dog's leash and you use rock climbing carribeeners to connect it to 2 trees about 20-30 feet away from each other. 
Slacklining takes tremendous balance just like tightrope walking. You start by trying to balance on the line with one foot and then try to walk. When you first start your leg shakes and it makes the line shake too. You have to push yourself up quickly as not to shake the whole line. 
First I tried my left leg and the whole line shook but then when I put pressure on the line it stopped and I could stand up for maybe one second. I then would alternate each time to the opposite leg so they both got a good workout. It was a workout too I started sweating and my friend I was doing it with told me to take a break. 

So I took about a 10 minute break and when I went back and started again I was much better. My friend said this happened frequently, when you took a break and then attempted the slackline again you would improve. I was staying up for 5-10 seconds this time. I decided to try and walk and I was almost getting there when my foot slipped and I fell off the slack-ine and directly onto my shoulder. I heard a crunch and it hurt but I wasn't seriously hurt so I continued. 
I tried a few more times to walk but my balance wasn't as good as it was before my fall. My shoulder was sore so I decided I had had enough slackline for the day. I had such a great time slacklining that day. I had watched people on a slackline before but I had never tried it. It was really fun and everytime I got up on it I wanted to improve. I was impressed by how good my balance was for my first time trying it. I would definitely encourage friends and other workout enthusiasts to try slacklining. It is great for your balance and your confidence. And even though I fell off I didn't let that get me down because I had stayed up all those other attempts. So until next time stay fit and stay strong!