Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pure Barre Workout

I’m the Try-Athlete, I try the latest fitness and diet trends so you don’t have to. These past two weeks have been all about trying the newest fitness craze the Barre (pronounced bar) method. The Barre method creates a sculpted body through isometrics, dance, physical therapy and interval training. So I googled Barre method in Los Angeles, CA and found Pure Barre on Wilshire Blvd,  Pure Barre is a cardio version of the Barre method and its pretty intense. I had no idea what I was in for my first class, the class was 100% female and everyone had cute little ballerina buns and Lululemon outfits on. I had my own ballerina bun and was ready to kick ass in my first Barre class. I run and do Insanity which I consider to be a very tough workout so I thought this would be a piece of cake and let me tell you fitness junkies this Barre class kick my behind. I was sweating within the first 5 minutes of class. I had asked before I signed up for class if it was a beginner’s class and the lady told me that it was fine for a beginner.

The Barre method is all about making little moves over and over again for a few minutes. The Barre method works everything but it really focuses on women's problem areas arms, abs, butt and thighs. We started off with arms 2lbs weights in each hand, it sounds easy but then we had to make little moves over and over with the weights and let me tell you those weights start to get heavy and your muscles start to get really tired and hurt. Next we stretched the muscles we had just been working on. I was glad to stretch because it gave me a chance to catch my breath. We moved on the ballet bar and focused on thighs, back against the bar come into a sitting position and put a medium size ball between our legs and squeeze your legs together. My legs were burning at the end of each set and it just kept going and going. Each set of exercises made my muscles more tired and near the end of the workout my legs were trembling. Finally class ended and I couldn’t believe how sore I was already. My legs were like jelly and I wasn’t looking forward to my two hour drive back home to Palm Springs, CA with my 5 speed, I think I’m the only person left still driving a stick shift.  I knew I was going to be extremely sore the next day even though I was relieved I had finished the class, it was a challenge and I was already thinking about going back to try it again.


A few days later after I fully recovered I went back for my second class. I thought the second class would be easier than the first because I had already done it once and learned the basic moves. I was wrong, the class had a different instructor and she was tough. It was like I had the nice teacher my first class and a military drill sergeant my second. I was corrected numerous times on form and started to feel self-conscious I couldn’t wait for class to end.

Overall I would say Pure Barre is very challenging, if you are looking for a workout that works your problem areas then its right for you. This workout is tough and you need to concentrate on correct form and movement, but I believe the results are worth the pain. Believe or not I would go to another Pure Barre class because I like being challenged and overcoming that challenge.  Untill next week stay fit!

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