Wednesday, December 4, 2013

LesMills Combat

Welcome to Try-Athlete the blog where I try all the lastest fitness and diet trends so you don't have to. It's been a couple weeks since I've posted and I apoligize I took a couple weeks off for Halloween and Thanksgiving. I'm back in full force now trying a new workout DVD series called LesMills Combat combining kickboxing, strength and high intensity interval training. It was time for me to try a different DVD series since I was a little burnt out doing Insanity and Asylum for many years so I went to the BeachBody website and found LesMills Combat.

This is my first week doing the LesMills Combat program and I'm excited to tell you all about it. The first video labeled "Combat 30," was cardio kickboxing for 30 minutes. It was a great start to this new workout, it got my heartrate up immediately with kickboxing combos and every other song rotating upper body to lower body. I was doing roundhouse, front and back kicks and we even did jump kicks. I really enjoyed this first video and was pumped for the next day.
Day two was "Kata" 45 minutes of kickboxing aerobics. It was intense and taught different routines from the previous day. I did expect the tempo to be a little faster on a couple of the routines that was my only critique of this video. I was still sweating and getting a great workout but just felt at a couple of points I could go faster than the video was going.
After a little disappointment from the video of day two I went into day three not knowing what to expect. 
Well let me tell you, the video labeled "Power Hiit" a 30 minute workout bringing together strength and high intensity interval training, kicked my butt. This workout started with cardio and then threw in some weight training and kept going back and forth like that. We worked arms, legs and abs and this workout had me dripping sweat and it was only 30 minutes long. I have tried other workouts that were only 30 minutes and they rarely made we sweat and work as hard as this video did. I actually had to take a break from one exercise (burpee with a jump and then squat) because I was so tired. When this workout was over I was sore from head to toe, I can't wait till tomorrow for my next workout.

This is my first week doing LesMills Combat but so far I would definetly recommend this to people that want a workout challenge but also enjoy kickboxing and having fun. The music in this DVD series is upbeat and it pumps you up while you are working out. I will keep you posted on how week two goes and until next time stay fit!

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